4 months ago
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.post').forEach(function(post) {
post.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
alert('привет, как дела?');
4 months ago
Ваш текст поста
привет, как дела?
function showAlert() {
var notification = document.getElementById('notification');
notification.style.display = 'block';
notification.style.top = event.clientY + 'px';
notification.style.left = event.clientX + 'px';
setTimeout(function() {
notification.style.display = 'none';
}, 2000); // Скрыть плашку через 2 секунды
привет, как дела?
function showAlert() {
var notification = document.getElementById('notification');
notification.style.display = 'block';
notification.style.top = event.clientY + 'px';
notification.style.left = event.clientX + 'px';
setTimeout(function() {
notification.style.display = 'none';
}, 2000); // Скрыть плашку через 2 секунды
4 months ago
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = 'alert("привет, как дела?");';
script.textContent = 'alert("привет, как дела?");';
7 months ago
Alain Web-creator Ets est une agence web digitale spécialisée dans la conception de site internet et d'application web de gestion (des établissements scolaires ( #school237 ), des hôpitaux ( #hopital237 et #SmartHealthAfrica ) , de gestion élections ( #sves , #election237 ) , des restaurants, des boutiques, etc...).
Autres services offert par l'agence web #alainwebcreator :
- hébergement de site web.
- Référencement web, - Marketing Digital, - Promotion des artistes
- Web design / Infographie.
- Formation en création de site web
site web: https://alainwebcreator.cm
Autres services offert par l'agence web #alainwebcreator :
- hébergement de site web.
- Référencement web, - Marketing Digital, - Promotion des artistes
- Web design / Infographie.
- Formation en création de site web
site web: https://alainwebcreator.cm
1 yr. ago
O Simpósio 11 está a chegar!
1 Dia
8 Oradores
Dia 14 de outubro de 2023, na ESECS às 9h de Portugal e 5h do Brasil.
Tópico: O poder do conhecimento para uma vida saudável.
Aparece presencialmente para absorver o calor humano ?
Público: Contributo de valor livre
Jovens até 25 Anos: GRATUITO
Registo: www.atemphar.pt
#Simposio11 #atempharpotencialhumano
1 Dia
8 Oradores
Dia 14 de outubro de 2023, na ESECS às 9h de Portugal e 5h do Brasil.
Tópico: O poder do conhecimento para uma vida saudável.
Aparece presencialmente para absorver o calor humano ?
Público: Contributo de valor livre
Jovens até 25 Anos: GRATUITO
Registo: www.atemphar.pt
#Simposio11 #atempharpotencialhumano
2 yr. ago
GALA 6 com a FESTA DA SOPA e varios convidados especiais que vão alegrar uma lindissíma tarde:-) aparece:-) LINK: https://atemphar.pt/
2 yr. ago
Off the Hook Goes Live with Video. New segments and This Week In Misogyny features Monkey Hair. The Show:
Watch - https://watch.offthehookra...
Audio stream - https://pod.offthehookradi...
Watch - https://watch.offthehookra...
Audio stream - https://pod.offthehookradi...
2 yr. ago
Garage Gate fun. Police Train Station in TN. MILF Manor? Footloose in Sweden. The POD:
2 yr. ago
Media is even faker. Real leaders exist. Shouldda kept the pillows. Keep Tate alive! The Pod:
2 yr. ago
Damar-Lotta Johns Hopkins grads on SM. This week in Pronouns. The GOAT lives. The Pod:
2 yr. ago
2022 wraps with depends lined speedos, a snarky sports guy from Iowa and tributes. The Pod:
2 yr. ago
Zip's NFT? Throwing the Christmas tree at your wife isnt in the spirit. Avatar is ALL POC's dumbass. The Pod:
2 yr. ago
Emoji Trauma! Fauci wins Stupid Criminal of the Week. Christmas gift is more than a tip. The Pod: